Week 19 FINAL Results - PGA Championship
Round Country Club Filter
1 5 7 3 Carlsbad D Day, J $404,350 Koepka, B $69,500 Morikawa $1,980,000 $2,453,850
2 15 14 7 Jim Brown Morikawa $1,980,000 Schauffele $252,123 Woods $45,000 $2,277,123
3 16 18 2 The Tony Boys Morikawa $1,980,000 Rahm $192,208 Thomas, J $45,000 $2,217,208
4 6 3 1 Janzen’s Chili Peppers Lowry $20,000 Morikawa $1,980,000 Rahm $192,208 $2,192,208
5 43 43 8 Pat Perez For Prez Johnson, D $968,000 Rose $295,600 Spieth $19,350 $1,282,950
6 57 62 51 Fore Skins Game Fowler $0 Johnson, D $968,000 Rose $295,600 $1,263,600
7 33 32 32 Lafferty Daniel Day, J $404,350 Rahm $192,208 Schauffele $252,123 $848,681
8 27 39 33 SLCurd DeChambeau $404,350 Koepka, B $69,500 Schauffele $252,123 $725,973
T-9 60 54 31 Holed DeChambeau $404,350 Rahm $192,208 Thomas, J $45,000 $641,558
T-9 48 56 47 Billy Baroo DeChambeau $404,350 Rahm $192,208 Thomas, J $45,000 $641,558
T-9 39 57 42 GoodShotBud Berger $192,208 Finau $404,350 Thomas, J $45,000 $641,558
12 26 49 52 Burning Greens Berger $192,208 Rahm $192,208 Schauffele $252,123 $636,539
13 11 19 43 Shooter Day, J $404,350 Palmer $31,594 Rahm $192,208 $628,152
14 49 52 45 The Big Miss Norris $0 Rose $295,600 Schauffele $252,123 $547,723
15 8 12 6 RScott Day, J $404,350 Hadwin $21,338 Scott $94,571 $520,259
T-16 3 1 30 Two Gloves' Attorney Day, J $404,350 Koepka, B $69,500 Thomas, J $45,000 $518,850
T-16 1 10 48 Team Bryson DeChambeau $404,350 Koepka, B $69,500 Woods $45,000 $518,850
T-16 9 11 53 HarryBallsHiggs Day, J $404,350 Koepka, B $69,500 Simpson $45,000 $518,850
T-16 21 29 29 Team Lil John DeChambeau $404,350 Koepka, B $69,500 Thomas, J $45,000 $518,850
T-16 46 46 58 Reineke DeChambeau $404,350 Koepka, B $69,500 Thomas, J $45,000 $518,850
T-16 59 60 21 The Lazer Day, J $404,350 Koepka, B $69,500 Thomas, J $45,000 $518,850
T-22 10 5 14 Keegans Bestie Koepka, B $69,500 Rahm $192,208 Schauffele $252,123 $513,831
T-22 24 26 34 The Van Buren Boys Koepka, B $69,500 Rahm $192,208 Schauffele $252,123 $513,831
24 54 53 46 Slice And Dice DeChambeau $404,350 McIlroy $57,500 Thomas, J $45,000 $506,850
25 13 2 5 Lafferty, Daniel Cantlay $31,594 DeChambeau $404,350 Koepka, B $69,500 $505,444
26 41 23 20 Rossgilbert McIlroy $57,500 Rahm $192,208 Schauffele $252,123 $501,831
27 44 41 35 Bark DeChambeau $404,350 Fowler $0 Koepka, B $69,500 $473,850
28 25 55 61 O’Nasty McIlroy $57,500 Schauffele $252,123 Scott $94,571 $404,194
29 22 13 10 El Pato's Army Koepka, B $69,500 McIlroy $57,500 Schauffele $252,123 $379,123
T-30 30 25 19 Dodi Fade Koepka, B $69,500 Schauffele $252,123 Thomas, J $45,000 $366,623
T-30 17 27 60 Scoobie Koepka, B $69,500 Schauffele $252,123 Woods $45,000 $366,623
T-30 47 36 17 Rescue Squad Koepka, B $69,500 Schauffele $252,123 Thomas, J $45,000 $366,623
T-30 50 38 12 Fore(d)! Koepka, B $69,500 Schauffele $252,123 Thomas, J $45,000 $366,623
T-30 36 40 11 MollCurd Koepka, B $69,500 Schauffele $252,123 Thomas, J $45,000 $366,623
35 14 17 57 Squirt4McGirt McIlroy $57,500 Schauffele $252,123 Thomas, J $45,000 $354,623
36 52 28 23 Vegas Dave Cantlay $31,594 Fleetwood $69,500 Schauffele $252,123 $353,217
37 12 9 39 crOB Slicers Cantlay $31,594 Schauffele $252,123 Thomas, J $45,000 $328,717
38 51 51 38 Shank Shack Koepka, B $69,500 McIlroy $57,500 Rahm $192,208 $319,208
T-39 28 15 18 Chip Yips Koepka, B $69,500 Rahm $192,208 Thomas, J $45,000 $306,708
T-39 29 21 13 Crowder Koepka, B $69,500 Rahm $192,208 Thomas, J $45,000 $306,708
T-39 35 31 36 Just give me one Chez Koepka, B $69,500 Rahm $192,208 Thomas, J $45,000 $306,708
T-39 18 33 37 Cait Jenner's TeeBox Berger $192,208 Koepka, B $69,500 Woods $45,000 $306,708
T-39 38 34 4 SundayRed Koepka, B $69,500 Rahm $192,208 Thomas, J $45,000 $306,708
44 53 37 28 VonSchmeilski Hatton $0 Koepka, B $69,500 Rahm $192,208 $261,708
45 23 42 56 Lacey Underall Berger $192,208 Cantlay $31,594 Hatton $0 $223,802
46 42 45 26 Rwmfrog An $94,571 Simpson $45,000 Woods $45,000 $184,571
T-47 45 16 25 Sam Senden Koepka, B $69,500 Oosthuizen $57,500 Woods $45,000 $172,000
T-47 34 24 15 OnlyEnglishWithAnACE Koepka, B $69,500 McIlroy $57,500 Woods $45,000 $172,000
T-47 56 30 41 Zubs Fore Woods Koepka, B $69,500 McIlroy $57,500 Woods $45,000 $172,000
T-47 31 48 55 Simon Sand Swingers Koepka, B $69,500 McIlroy $57,500 Woods $45,000 $172,000
T-47 61 50 44 Grip It And Sip It Koepka, B $69,500 McIlroy $57,500 Woods $45,000 $172,000
T-47 55 58 59 LBBC - RR Koepka, B $69,500 McIlroy $57,500 Simpson $45,000 $172,000
T-53 20 20 22 Putter Face Koepka, B $69,500 Simpson $45,000 Thomas, J $45,000 $159,500
T-53 37 22 40 TigerFor19in20 Koepka, B $69,500 Thomas, J $45,000 Woods $45,000 $159,500
T-53 40 44 27 Dr. Sketch Koepka, B $69,500 Thomas, J $45,000 Woods $45,000 $159,500
56 58 47 50 RDAWG Koepka, B $69,500 Mickelson $19,350 Woods $45,000 $133,850
57 19 59 63 Boren Touched Me! Fowler $0 Koepka, B $69,500 McIlroy $57,500 $127,000
T-58 4 4 54 LBBC-BH Fitzpatrick, M $0 Koepka, B $69,500 Thomas, J $45,000 $114,500
T-58 7 8 9 TWolfe Fitzpatrick, M $0 Koepka, B $69,500 Thomas, J $45,000 $114,500
60 32 35 49 Try Your Best & Have Fun Cantlay $31,594 Fowler $0 McIlroy $57,500 $89,094
61 2 6 16 Spackler's Squad Fowler $0 Koepka, B $69,500 Spieth $19,350 $88,850
T-62 63 61 T-64 Let It Rain(bolt)! VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 $0
T-62 64 63 T-64 The 4th Hole VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 $0
T-62 65 64 24 Dr Jernigan VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 $0
T-62 62 65 62 F.I.S.O. King VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 $0
T-62 66 66 T-64 Tigerpusheskids!! VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 $0